We welcome Prof. Chiogna at the GeoZentrum!

Since the beginning of April this year, Professor Dr. Gabriele Chiogna has been working as a new professor for Applied Geology and Modeling of Environmental Systems at the GeoZentrum Nordbayern.
Prof. Chiogna completed his studies in Trento and Tübingen, and subsequently earned his doctorate in Tübingen. He completed his habilitation at the Technical University of Munich. Additionally, he is an adjunct professor at the University of Innsbruck.
Prof. Chiogna’s research focuses on the investigation of flow and transport processes in porous and karstic aquifers. Through a combination of field and laboratory experiments, as well as the use of numerical modeling, he particularly explores the interactions between surface water and groundwater, technically controlled injection and extraction systems for groundwater remediation, and the impacts of climate change in high-alpine catchment areas.