“Changing earth: why rocks are not eternal” – the Girls Day 2024

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The Faculty of Natural Sciences at FAU has been taking part in Girls’ Day for many years now, and this year the girls were once again offered an exciting and motivating programme:

The programme with contributions on the topics ‘Exploring the hidden physics in the animal world together’, ‘The hot and energetic universe’ and ‘Changing Earth: why rocks are not eternal?’ met with very lively interest. Around 30 girls from Erlangen and the surrounding area came to the event to get a first impression of physics and geosciences.
The Girls’ Day at FAU is organised by the Office for Gender and Diversity in cooperation with the “Frauenbeauftragten”. Those responsible at the Faculty of Natural Sciences in 2024 were Dr Angela Fösel (Physics Education), Katrin Streil (Astronomy) and Dr Katrin Hurle (Earth Sciences).

For more information and impressions, continue reading here on the website of the Office for Gender and Diversity or on the official Girls Day homepage. The next Girls Day is on 3th of April 2025.