Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Grundwasserspeicherung in hochalpinen Einzugsgebieten: von der Beobachtung zur Modellvorhersage
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)Overall project: Sensitivity of High Alpine Geosystems to Climate Change Since 1850 (SEHAG)
Term: 1. April 2024 - 31. December 2025
Funding source: DFG / Forschungsgruppe (FOR)Grundwasser-Isoscapes für Deutschland - Wasserisotope als innovatives Werkzeug für eine nachhaltige Wasserbewirtschaftung
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. March 2023 - 28. February 2026
Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)Danube Region Water Lighthouse Action
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)Overall project: Danube Region Water Lighthouse Action
Term: 1. January 2023 - 31. December 2026
Funding source: Europäische Union (EU)The Danube River Basin (DRB) host 79 million inhabitants. As the Danube River Management Plan indicates the majority (52%) of all rivers do not meet the criteria of good chemical status, moreover all monitored indicators deteriorated. The Danube River is an artery of the ecosystems of the whole DRB and the region with significant environmental impact. The river also has an important economic utilization supporting SMEs, and creating jobs for locals as well as having a cultural importance. To properly manage this complex and fragile ecosystem we must think of a river basin and harmonize our actions from the Black Forest to the Black Sea.
The project DALIA (Danube Region Water Lighthouse Action) is comprised of 22 expert organizations – including universities, authorities, SMEs and NGOs – from 8 different Danube EU and Associated countries accumulating an outstanding set of knowledge, covering not only the basin geographically but all different fields of expertise necessary to deal with the multidisciplinary issues from source to sea.
The project brings to DRB integrated DALIA tool, which will be integrated into DAnube Mission Hub for better decision making to improve DRB restoration of fresh and transitional water ecosystems. The project also provides options for strategies and policies that concern freshwater ecosystem protection and ecosystem connectivity in the DRB and improved protection of local communities and ecosystems from extreme events and pollution threats.
The DALIA project will contribute directly to the establishment of EU and UN initiatives, related to the further execution on the Water Framework Directive by the execution of innovative actions across a variety of geographies, their scaling and the multiplication of outcomes with a wider network of ecosystems and related EU Missions and project actions throughout framework.More - Morfettenuntersuchungen Investighations of water and CO2 including their isotope ratios in boreholes, springs and mofettes in the Eger Graben Czech republic
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. July 2019 - 30. June 2020
Funding source: DFG-Einzelförderung / Sachbeihilfe (EIN-SBH)
URL: - Morfettenuntersuchungen
Investighations of water and CO2 including their isotope ratios in boreholes, springs and mofettes in the Eger Graben Czech republicPredicting oxygen dynamics in large reservoirs in four dimensions. Investigation of dissolved oxygen and its isotope ratios in drinking water reservoirs
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. June 2019 - 31. May 2022
Funding source: DFG-Einzelförderung / Sachbeihilfe (EIN-SBH)
URL: oxygen dynamics in large reservoirs in four dimensions.
Investigation of dissolved oxygen and its isotope ratios in drinking water reservoirsAquaCliff
(Third Party Funds Group – Overall project)Term: 1. September 2018 - 31. July 2023
Funding source: Bayerisches Staatsministerium der Finanzen, für Landesentwicklung und Heimat (StMF) (ab 10/2013)
URL: Verbundprojekt wird im Zeitraum 2018-2023 durch das Bayerische Klimaforschungsnetzwerk (bayklif) gefördert.
Untersuchungen von Zusammenhängen lokal begrenzter chronischer Nierenerkrankungen und Wasserqualitäten in Sri Lanka
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. August 2017 - 31. July 2019
Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
URL: Isotopenuntersuchungen zum Prozessverständnis von Fluidverhalten in und um Salzkavernen
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)Overall project: ProSalz: Prozessverständnis, Skalierbarkeit und Übertragbarkeit von reaktivem Mehrphasentransport in Salzlagerstätten
Term: 1. July 2017 - 30. June 2020
Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
(Third Party Funds Single)Overall project: CO2 LOSS FROM STREAMS IN EUROPEAN KARST SYSTEMS
Term: 1. February 2017 - 31. January 2019
Funding source: Individual Fellowships (IF)Stabile Isotope von gelöstem Sauerstoff (DO) als dynamische Tracer für aerobische Umsätze in Grund- und Oberflächengewässern (IsoDO)
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. June 2016 - 31. May 2019
Funding source: DFG-Einzelförderung / Sachbeihilfe (EIN-SBH)Water and carbon stable isotopes in rivers as climate proxies in the Mediterranean
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. January 2016 - 31. December 2017
Funding source: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)The Mediterranean Basin is located in the transition zone between west wind drift and the subtropical high-pressure belt. As reported by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and others, the western Mediterranean is one of the most prominent climate change hotspots in Europe and also worldwide. Located within this area, Corsica in the western Mediterranean is a site that will be potentially affected largely by any climatic variations in the future. This makes it extremely important to improve our understating of the dynamics of the hydrologic cycle and water recharge at the island of Corsica. Ideal tools to study such processes are environmental tracers. This joint project will ideally combine analytical capabilities and scientific knowledge to receive a better understanding of the aquatic system and the driving processes. This will ultimately lead to a better knowledge about the water resources of the island and its role in the global carbon cycle.
Influences of high reliefs on isotope hydrology and coupled climate proxies
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: since 1. January 2016
Funding source: DFG-Einzelförderung / Sachbeihilfe (EIN-SBH)
URL: http://www.corsicarchive.deClimate proxies such as tree rings rely on stable isotope ratios for the reconstruction of palaeoclimatic conditions. Such information then allow the calibration of models that evaluate and predict ongoing and future effects of global climate change. According to model predictions, the western Mediterranean is a region that will face severe climatic changes. Therefore, the island of Corsica in that region has been the target for palaeoclimate reconstructions by means of dendrochronology and stable isotopes. However, the oxygen stable isotope results from Corsican pines could not yet be interpreted satisfactorily. The oxygen stable isotope values (delta18O) of tree rings mainly depend on the oxygen isotope ratio of local precipitation and soil water. The precipitation delta18O values vary according to temperature, altitude and the moisture source area. Such parameters are determined nowadays rather precise but need to be assumed for the past. An important isotope effect is the so-called altitude effect that describes the relation of the delta18O value of precipitation and altitude. The large global network of isotopes in precipitation (GNIP) database of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) allows for a good regional estimate of isotope effects. However, things become more difficult in regions with high and steep mountain reliefs. Some latest publications suggest that the altitude gradient is absent in such regions during specific seasons. The reason for that observation could be seasonal height variations of the atmospheric planetary boundary layer (PBL). This isotope hydrology proposal is part of the project package CorsicArchive that also consists of interlinking proposals for climate, dendroisotopes and dendroecology. It is planned to install and regularly sample nine isotope precipitation samplers along an east-west altitudinal transect. This proposal will specifically explore the dynamics of the PBL and the isotope altitude effect. Additional questions relate to moisture source of air masses and the local moisture recycling within the islands hydrologic cycle. Furthermore, soil water and surface water analyses are planned to trace and quantify changes of the delta18O values along the pathway of water to the tree rings. The approach of this proposal aims to fill the gaps in the current knowledge of isotope hydrology of high reliefs and will finally lead to a more robust interpretation of related climate proxies in a climate change sensitive region. With respect to the current climate change, it is essential to understand climatic variations and its triggers in the past to better predict future changes.
Programm zur Förderung von Institutspartnerschaften
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. January 2015 - 30. June 2017
Funding source: Alexander von Humboldt-StiftungHow does preferential flow influence carbon transport and changes between DIC, DOC and POC? Advances with combined modeling and stable isotope approaches (Pref-Carb-Flow)
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: since 1. July 2014
Funding source: DFG-Einzelförderung / Sachbeihilfe (EIN-SBH)In a joint effort between the Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology (DHH), at the Faculty of Civil Engineering (FCE) at the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) and the chair of Applied Geology at the University of Erlangen, the role of CO2, dissolved inorganic and organic as well as particulate organic carbon (DIC, DOC and POC) turnover and transport will be investigated with particular focus on preferential flow and its modeling. The study area is the Uhlirska Catchment in the Jizera Mountains of the Czech Republic that lies in a granitic bedrock environment and thus covers an acid-sensitive terrain that has strongly variable --and so far poorly constrained -- carbon dynamics. The latter are caused by active acid weathering, partial cover by peats and other carbon-rich soils. The work proposed here is highly complementary to a parallel submission by partners from CTU to the Czech Science Foundation (GACR) (Subsurface transport of water, carbon and heat - combined hydrological, geochemical and isotopic approach). This is because newly developed models for this test area can quantify flow paths and were calibrated with stable isotopes of water. They are thus an ideal foundation for expansion to carbon cycle investigations with associated isotope distributions, residence times and the most important compartments of storage and turnover in the catchment. Furthermore historic and new data as well infrastructure, field- and laboratory efforts will be shared between the involved research groups via this approach.Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt: „Georisiken im Klimawandel - Gefahrenhinweiskarte Alpenvorland Phase II“
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. June 2014 - 31. December 2016
Funding source: Bayerisches Landesamt für UmweltStarkregen-Überflutungs-Schutz in Kommunen (SÜS-Kom)
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)Overall project: Starkregen-Überflutungs-Schutz in Kommunen (SÜS-Kom)
Term: since 1. March 2013
Funding source: AIF Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller ForschungsvereinigungenDie Bedrohung durch Starkniederschlag und Hochwasser ist regelmäßig an deren Präsenz in den Medien zu erkennen. Bilder verheerender Verwüstungsszenarien, verursacht durch Überschwemmungsereignisse, verdeutlichen die Notwendigkeit eines effektiven Hochwasserschutzprogramms. Der Hochwasserschutz ist eine dauerhafte Verantwortung, auch wenn es sich um zeitlich begrenzte Ereignisse mit eventuell langen Ruheintervallen handelt. Des Weiteren ist in Hinblick auf den Klimawandel von einer zukünftig zunehmenden Frequenz der Starkregenereignisse auszugehen. Katastrophenvorsorge und Katastrophenmanagement werden daher an Relevanz gewinnen und in ihrer alltäglichen Präsenz zunehmen. Die Analyse der bei Hochwasserereignissen wirkenden Faktoren und die Entwicklung von Ansätzen zur Prävention bzw. Eindämmung sind eine zentrale Verantwortung der Forschung, insbesondere in den Geo- und Ingenieurswissenschaften.
Das Projekt „Starkregen-Überflutungs-Schutz in Kommunen (SÜS-Kom)“ beschäftigt sich mit der Lokalisierung und Prognose der durch Starkregen ausgelösten, oberflächigen Abflussströme in kleinen kommunalen Einzugsgebieten. Dabei sollen bereits vorliegende Datensätze zur Topologie und Hydrodynamik in Kombination mit neuen Datensätzen zu Bewuchs, Bodenbeschaffenheit und Versickerungsverhalten sowie Liegenschaftsdaten und aktuellen Wetterdaten für die Prognose zum Einsatz kommen. Im Anschluss soll eine Gefahrenreduzierung durch kostengünstige, nachhaltige und dezentrale Maßnahmen stattfinden.
Ziel des Projektes ist die Entwicklung einer Systemsoftware zur Identifizierung der von Starkregen gefährdeten Liegenschaften, für ein computergestütztes Anwendungs- und Kommunikationssystem auf kommunaler Ebene. Die Software soll an ein individuelles Warnsystem gekoppelt werden, welches betroffene Grundeigentümer und Gewerbebetriebe per Onlinedienst (SMS, Email, Mobile App) über mögliche Risiken informiert.Erkennung, Modellierung und Frühwarnung von Massenbewegungen.
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)Overall project: BMBF - Yangtze-Projekt: Verbundvorhaben „Nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung des Gefährdungspotentials durch Landnutzung, Bodenerosion und Massenbewegungen"
Term: 1. June 2012 - 31. December 2015
Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)Preliminary biogeochemical investigations of small rivers in the Franconian Alb to lay foundations for detailed investigations of turnover and origin of high carbon in the Main River system
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: since 1. February 2012
Funding source: DFG-Einzelförderung / Sachbeihilfe (EIN-SBH)Investigations of the carbon cycle in river systems are important to outline interactions between the terrestrial biosphere and the atmosphere. They also allow quantification of carbon fluxes to larger river systems and ultimately the ocean. This helps to constrain terrestrial carbon cycles that in turn have strong influences on the atmospheric CO2 through providing sources and sinks. Flux rates of carbon by rivers can also help to provide boundary parameters for climate models. In this context, rivers act as important integral information sources because they are key links between terrestrial systems and oceans. On the other hand, most rivers actively release considerable amounts of carbon to the atmosphere in the form of CO2. Nonetheless, its sources from soils, groundwater or river internal turnover are poorly defined. These aspects are planned to be investigated in small river systems of less than 12 m3 s-1 discharge in the Franconian Alb. Such small stream investigations holds promise to better quantify processes and mechanisms including geological, agricultural and urban influences on riverine carbon cycles. This work opens the opportunity to start biogeochemical investigations on the Main River System that is one of the major tributairies of the Rhine, one of the major waterways in Europe. It is placed in international context by allowing comparison to work on other river systems in various countries.
DFG: Paketantrag; „Hochaufgelöste Messungen der Geomorphodynamik in sich schnell verändernden proglazialen Systemen der Alpen (PROSA) (PAK 736)“ Teilprojekt: "Bilanzierung von gravitativen Massenbewegungen in proglazialen Systemen"
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. August 2011 - 31. December 2017
Funding source: DFG-Einzelförderung / Sachbeihilfe (EIN-SBH)Im Rahmen des Paketantrages sollen alle Prozesse der Reliefveränderung in Gletschervorfeldern von den unterschiedlichen Teildisziplinen untersucht werden. Gletschervorfelder weisen seit dem Ende der „Kleinen Eiszeit“ und dem damit verbundenen starken Abschmelzen der Gletscher eine besondere Dynamik auf. Hauptziel dieses Forschungsantrages wird es sein, belastbare quantitative Angaben zu den momentan ablaufenden geotechnischen Prozessen an Massenbewegungen in Locker- und Festgesteinen im aktuellen Rückzugsbereich der Gletscher am Fallbeispiel Gepatsch im Alpenraum zu erarbeiten, um so Grundlagen für zukünftige Szenarien zu schaffen. Grundvoraussetzung einer Bilanzierung ist eine geotechnische Bestandsaufnahme. Ausgehend davon werden quantitative Aussagen zur Bilanz der Verlagerung durch Massenbewegungen in den Lockerund Festgesteinen erarbeitet. Untersucht werden soll sowohl das Langzeitverhalten, als auch das durch intensive meteorologische Ereignisse gesteuerte Kurzzeitverhalten. Im Rahmen des ersten Projektabschnitts wird ein Hauptaugenmerk auf spontane Massenbewegungen im Fels (Steinschlag und Felssturz), Lockergesteinsrutschungen und Kriechbewegungen in Talzuschüben zu legen sein. Eine flächendeckende Bilanzierung mit Hilfe des Airborne Laserscanning (ALS), ergänzt durch Terrestrisches Laserscanning (TLS) wird von den Projektpartnern beigetragen. Diese flächendeckenden Untersuchungen werden durch wiederholte stichprobenartige Bilanzierungen an repräsentativen Hangbewegungen geprüft und gegebenenfalls verifiziert.
Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt: „Georisiken im Klimawandel - Gefahrenhinweiskarte Jura“
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. February 2011 - 30. April 2014
Funding source: Bayerisches Landesamt für UmweltGewährung eines Promotionsstipendiums für Herrn Jin Luo, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Faculty of Engineering, Wuhan, China
(Third Party Funds Single)Term: 1. August 2010 - 31. July 2013
Funding source: Bayerische ForschungsstiftungGefährdungsanalyse von Hangrutschungen im Einzugsgebiet des Xiangxi-Flusssystems (Drei Schluchten Reservoir)
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)Overall project: BMBF - Yangtze-Projekt: Verbundvorhaben „Nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung des Gefährdungspotentials durch Landnutzung, Bodenerosion und Massenbewegungen"
Term: 1. April 2008 - 30. June 2011
Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)BMBF - Yangtze-Projekt: Verbundvorhaben „Nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung des Gefährdungspotentials durch Landnutzung, Bodenerosion und Massenbewegungen"
(Third Party Funds Group – Overall project)Term: 1. April 2008 - 31. December 2015
Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)SFB 461 Starkbeben: Von geowissenschaftlichen Grundlagen zu Ingenieurmaßnahmen.Teilprojekt B 07 - Hydrologie und Standorteffekte bei Erdbeben in Bukarest.
(Non-FAU Project)Term: 1. June 2002 - 31. December 2007
Funding source: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)SFB 461 Starkbeben: Von geowissenschaftlichen Grundlagen zu Ingenieurmaßnahmen.Teilprojekt B 06: Geotechnische Mikrozonierung von Bukarest.
(Non-FAU Project)Term: 1. June 1999 - 31. December 2007
Funding source: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)